
Property & Engineering

We insure the assets required to carry out manufacturing or commercial activity against events such as fire, theft, natural phenomena such as earthquakes, and machinery breakdown. In the context of construction and plant engineering, we insure all phases of construction, assembly and operation: from site preparation and on-site unloading of material and equipment, to certification of completion of the works and, if necessary, the maintenance period following the closure of the site. We provide cover for ten years, from completion of the works, for material and direct damage caused by total or partial destruction of the property or by serious construction defects.

What we cover

Fire cover: all-risks or risks listed in case of fire and natural events including earthquakes, vandalism, socio-political events and other damaging events
Theft cover: damage suffered as a result of theft, robbery or mugging, and damage caused by attempted robbery or theft with a break-in
Indirect damage cover: damage sustained due to partial or total interruption of business production resulting in financial loss
CAR (construction all risks) or EAR (erection all risks) policy: material and direct damage that civil/industrial works may suffer throughout the entire construction or assembly phase
Ten-year structural warranty: cover for the property constructed for the ten years following the end of the works

Emiliano Ferrari

How does an engineer feel when a car breaks down? He feels he has to solve the problem. That’s how it all started, with a scholarship at a major engineering company, before entering the insurance industry as an engineering underwriter in 2001. During these 20 years, I gained considerable experience with a banking and insurance start-up and developed my professional career, eventually becoming Head of Property & Engineering at REVO.


The lines of business

Agriculture: Weather risks
Casualty: third-party liability and accidents
Financial Lines
Private Credit Insurance
Legal Protection